Financial Tools Targeted at Women
Category: Financial Planning
In much of my practice I am dealing with women as decision makers - women live longer than men so are more highly represented in my elder law practice; women are often the catalyst for estate planning as they want to deal with their concerns about their and their children's financial security in the event of death or disability; women are both business owners and key employees.
Apparently others are stepping up to the address the fact that women have different and unique needs in their financial planning and security, as MassMutual has launched a new section of its website focused on the financial needs of women
From the press release: "While women share the same goal as men of achieving financial security, they typically have unique wants, needs and concerns that impact the way they build their financial strategy," says Susan Sweetser, second vice president, Specialized Markets, Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual). "This new section has been designed with content, tools and online seminars that can help women prepare for life's events."